About The Foundation For Excellence
The Foundation for Excellence in Public Education in Clarke County, Georgia provides an avenue for citizens to directly contribute to the betterment of public education in Athens. Donations are put to work through classroom grants and various teacher and student awards. Professional achievement is celebrated at annual events including an award nominees’ tea and recipients’ banquet. Since its establishment in 1983, the Foundation has recognized hundreds of teachers and administrators.
Our Mission
The mission of the Foundation for Excellence in Public Education is to encourage, recognize and reward excellence in the Clarke County School District.
Our Endowment
The Foundation for Excellence has an endowment of over $1,000,000. The income from the endowment and funds raised each year provides approximately $45,000 in awards and grants to CCSD teachers, administrators and students annually.
Our Board
The Foundation is governed by a 15-member working Board, none of whom are paid for their service. Board members serve a three-year term. The Executive Director and various others in advisory positions function in ex officio (non-voting) roles. The Foundation for Excellence is a tax-exempt corporation under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are tax-deductible.